Saturday, November 13, 2010

Picture Pages III

OMG, could this stadium be any uglier?

Here comes the Jets!

And here comes the Packers!

Blue Angels, from my SF trip at the beginning of October

"They" brought in a giant plane to do tricks over the water

Coit Tower, SF, Beautiful Day

Honestly, the best weather I've ever seen in SF

Picture Pages II

Rangers Time! Much better game than Jets time!

Pretty good seats also

Action shot - one of my favs

Ball of Zen

Picture Pages!

Watching the Packers and Jets game - great seats!

Is this going to be a touchdown? Oops, nope. No touchdowns

Tailgating and drinking beer. We are really good at both!

Northern Pennsylvania... Backyard... Completely unlike NYC.

Finising up my 13K! Who knew buffalo could run??? ;)